Improving our service 2020

Service improvement strategy and plan for 2020.

We will focuss on:

Service user documentationResidents notes
 Personal care plans
 Other records including incidents and accidents
Service provisionObservations on areas of interaction that can be improved
Medication managementAudit
Quality assuaranceAudits of logs and care plans
PropertyAudit of maintenance logs
 Audit of general condition of property
Working practicesAudit risk assessments
DevelopmentDevelopment plan and actions to date
EthosWork done to support the continuance and development of the ethos.
GovernanceTraining and development Recruitment of new trustees Implementation of trustee recruitment strategy
TrainingSupporting personal and professional development
ValueIdentify key value indicators

If you would like to contribute to our service improvement plan please do so by completing the parents and carers survey or by contacting us directly.

Parents and carers survey 2020