All our co-workers at Tigh a’Chomainn have the common aim to support our residents and their needs and all work to achieve that in their respective positions. Each co-worker is responsible for upholding the Camphill ethos and standards of our community. Tigh a’Chomainn is commited to providing high standards of employment and strives to maintain an inclusive and diverse working environment.
Our Roles
Care Support Manager
Our care and support manager is Ross Sutherland who is registered under the Scottish Social Services Council.
The care and support manager is a key part of the Senior Leadership Team and is answerable to our board of trustees. The purpose of the role is to be Tigh a’Chomainn’s registered manager with the Care Inspectorate for Care Services and to ensure we meet national care standards. The care and support manager undertakes the day to day leadership and management of the care provision and ensures effective systems are in place for delivery and monitoring of services.
Role Description
It is important that the care and support manager is an active part of our core care and support team working with and supporting the individuals who call Tigh a’Chomainn home. They are responsible for the safety and welfare of all living and working in the household. The manager will prepare and implement care planning including maintaining documentation to evidence and support the delivery of care as well as support and supervise volunteers and employed staff in the household. They also co-ordinate the daily living arrangements in the household and to ensure that all aspects of the care provided in the household comply with SSSC codes of practice and standards agreed by the Community in accordance with best professional residential care practice. Another part of their role is to be responsible for the review, update and creation of policies and procedures for implementation in relation to the core task of Care and Support as well as lead on health and safety as it relates to the provision of care, ensuring that risk assessments are in place and current and that routine maintenance is completed. They rota co-workers ensuring that staffing requirements are met. The management and administration of medicine is also the resplonsibility of the manager. They support support residents in the handling of their money and ensure that benefits for appointees are received and managed. The manager will also ensure that residents needs are met within their work environment by liaising with workshop leaders. They also work with the senior leadership team in identifying and ensuring that the training needs of volunteers and employed staff in the community are met. It is important that the manager is present and actively participates in the annual festivals and upholds and contributes to the social and therapeutic impulse, as part of the Camphill philosophy. The manager maintains and develops our Community working from principles of social and ecological sustainability. They also complete any returns and notifications to the Care Inspectorate and to provide input to contract compliance documentation as required. It is important they also maintain an awareness of key legislative changes and how they may impact the service. They will work with the finance officer to prepare budgets, to ensure that resources are expended sustainably in line with allocations and to account for expenditure in accordance with the audit processes.
Day Workshops Manager
We are currently recruiting for this role! The job listing can be found here.
The day workshops manager is a key part of the Senior Leadership Team and is answerable to our board of trustees. The purpose of the role is to be responsible for the development of Tigh a’Chomainn’s day provision. The day workshopst manager undertakes the day to day leadership and management of the day workshops and ensures effective systems are in place for delivery and monitoring of services.
Role Description
The day workshops manager will manage the provision of day services through the Workshop Leaders who report to this post. They will lead, motivate, direct and encourage all relevant staff and volunteers to deliver evidence-informed best practice and outcome-focused services. The manager will develop, communicate and keep under review the key objectives and priorities for day services as per Tigh a’Chomainn’s ethos and development plan. It is key that they ensure that supervision, training and development opportunities are available to all staff and that, for those staff whose supervision or appraisal indicates that they need specific training in order to improve their practice, it is provided to them. They will be accountable for service improvement, taking appropriate actions to rectify any deficiencies and to enhance delivery. The manager will ensure, by continuous liaison with the Residential Service Registered Manager and Senior co-worker team that staff are working effectively with their operational counterparts. They will also ensure that resources are deployed appropriately and effectively in meeting the needs of young adults who receive the services provided They will manage and monitor budget and finance in relation to the provision of day services, exercising strong budgetary control and to provide regular reports as requested. They also work with the senior leadership team in identifying and ensuring that the training needs of workshop leaders and volunteers in the community are met. Undertaking training themselves, when required. The manager is to be responsible for a performance management process which is based on the regular consideration of relevant service data and information; the use of audits of practice; the results of any internal or external inspections, and performance reviews. They are to take responsibility for responding to and acting upon any issues arising through team/management meetings or supervision. The manager will ensure that appropriate Risk Management is embedded within the work of the day services. They will also ensure that the services provided are consistent with the policies, procedures and protocols of Tigh a’Chomainn. Futher to this, the manager will ensure that work undertaken to safeguard adults is effective and consistent with the policies, procedures and protocols of Tigh a’Chomainn. It is important that the manager is present and actively participate in the annual festivals and upholding and contributing to the social and therapeutic impulse, as part of the Camphill philosophy. Lastly, the manager is to maintain and develop our Community, working from principles of social and ecological sustainability.
Senior Co-worker
The senior co-worker is a key part of the Care and Support Team and is answerable to the care and support manager. The purpose of the role is to be responsible for the well being and development of residents and to be responsible for the day to day running of a household in collaboration with the senior care team as well as taking an active interest in issues regarding the whole community.
Role Description
The senior co-worker is responsible for the safety and welfare of all living and working in the household. They uphold and contribute to the social/therapeutic impulse, as part of the Camphill philosophy and are to be present and actively participate in the annual festivals. Their role is to support and supervise the volunteers and employed staff in the household as well as co-ordinate the daily living arrangements in the household and to ensure that all aspects of the care provided in the household comply with SSSC codes of practice and standards agreed by the Community in accordance with best professional residential care practice. They support the senior team with budgeting and other financial decision making as where appropriate, they assist residents in the handling of their money. They are to ensure that Residents’ needs are met within their work environment by liaising with workshop leaders. The senior co-worker should identify and ensure that the training needs of volunteers and employed staff in the house are met as well as participating in training for their own personal and professional development. Lastly, they are to also take on other reasonable duties, as and when required, to meet Tigh a’Chomainn Camphills’ needs.
For a more in-depth role description:
Employed Co-worker
The employed co-worker is a key part of the Care and Support Team and is answerable to the care and support manager. The purpose of the role is to enable individuals with additional support needs to live a full meaningful life, as part of a Camphill Community and engaged with our wider community.
Role Description
The co-worker is responsible for the safety and welfare of all living and working at Tigh a’Chomainn Camphill. They are to be a positive influence on and act as a role model to all living and working at Tigh a’Chomainn Camphill, with a focus on supporting individuals with additional support needs to live a full and active life. The co-worker assists the Senior co-worker and the Care and Support Manager to coordinate the daily living arrangements in the households and day workshops, and to ensure that all aspects of the care provided in the households comply with the standards agreed by the Community in accordance with best professional residential care practice. They are to actively engage in promoting the ethos of Tigh a’Chomainn, by encouraging everyone to live and work according to the Camphill philosophy and Social Pedagogy, being present and actively participating in the annual festivals. The co-worker works flexibly in a way that supports the needs of the houses and organisation. Work hours will include mornings, evenings and weekend working on a rolling rota basis. Lastly, the co-worker is to be responsive to the needs of the community. This position supports full-time, part-time and 0-hour contracts.
Therapeutic Garden Lead
The therapeutic garden lead is a key part of the Day Provision Team and is answerable to the senior leadership team. The purpose of the role is to enable individuals with additional support needs to live a full meaningful life, as part of a Camphill Community and engaged with our wider community.
Role Description
The garden lead provides meaningful gardening and land based work opportunities for the residents and day participants of Tigh a’Chomainn. They are responsible for taking a lead in developing our outdoor and garden provision. The garden lead is also responsible for the well being and to enable individuals with additional support needs to develop their personal skills. They are to take an active interest in issues regarding the whole Community, supporting the ethos and ecological aspirations of Tigh a’Chomainn by working to organic and bio-dynamic standards. The lead engages with members of the public in order to support our public education strategy.
Therapeutic Craft Lead
The therapeutic craft lead is a key part of the Day Provision Team and is answerable to the senior leadership team. The purpose of the role is to enable individuals with additional support needs to live a full meaningful life, as part of a Camphill Community and engaged with our wider community.
Role Description
The craft lead provides meaningful craft based work opportunities for the residents and day participants of Tigh a’Chomainn. They are responsible for taking a lead in developing our craft workshop provision. The craft lead is also responsible for the well being and to enable individuals with additional support needs to develop their personal skills. They are to take an active interest in issues regarding the whole Community, supporting the ethos and ecological aspirations of Tigh a’Chomainn by working to our sustainability standards. The lead engages with members of the public in order to support our public education strategy.
Therapeutic Workshop Assistant
The therapeutic workshop assistant is a key part of the Day Provision Team and is answerable to the workshop leads and the senior leadership team. The purpose of the role is to enable individuals with additional support needs to live a full meaningful life, as part of a Camphill Community and engaged with our wider community. The role includes a variety of craft work indoors and garden work outdoors.
Role Description
The theraputic workshop assistant supports the provision of our working life and meaningful work opportunities for the residents and day participants of Tigh a’Chomainn Camphill. They support the workshop leads in delivering a creative, strengths based working environment that seeks to enable the talents and grow the skills of each person. It is key that the assistant is responsive to the needs of the individuals supported in the workshops and are responsible for the well being of the individuals supported in the workshops. They are to take an active interest in issues regarding the whole Community, support the ethos and ecological aspirations of Tigh a’Chomainn and engage with members of the public in order to support our public education strategy.
Administrative Support
The administrative support is answerable to the senior leadership team. The purpose of the role is to provide administrative support to the board of trustees including taking meeting notes and/ or minutes, maintaining records both electronic and paper, scheduling meetings, communicating with trustees and the trust membership. They are to provide administrative support to the management team including keeping notes of meetings, typing up notes, maintaining confidential records for vulnerable users, recording residential placement reviews with social work teams and some book keeping.
Role Description
Part of the administrative supprt role is keeping an awareness of all the benefits of our residents and their bank accounts, contacting the Jobcentre, monitoring & checking resident’s DWP benefits, including making new applications, checking
bank statements each month, keeping an eye on capital savings and looking after Housing Benefits for each individual (which will be the rent to Tigh a’Chomainn
Camphill). They are to deal in a friendly and efficient manner with any and all queries which come into the office, in person, by telephone or e-mail. Directing calls, taking messages directing and visitors to the right person. They will work as a member of the Office Team, exhibiting, good team working and communication/interpersonal skills. The administrative support is expected to attend and contribute appropriately to team meetings. They are also to be flexible and supportive of the many and changeable needs that are inherent in our office. They will act as an ambassador for Tigh a’Chomainn with regard to the general public and visitors from statutory authorities.
They must be aware of general and specific Tigh a’Chomainn policies. Further to this, they are to ensure all incoming mail, is sorted and placed in the correct pigeon holes as well as monitor the receipt of Courier parcels and informing people of their delivery if necessary. They are to provide minute taking and administrative support to the Trustee board of Tigh a’Chomainn Camphill Ltd. The administrative support is to set up annual Review Schedules and liaise with Social Workers and Care managers as requested by the care and support team. They will take annual Review Minutes for all the Residents at Tigh a’Chomainn Camphill and ensure all residents files are kept up to date with any new information received relevant to them, maintaining our electronic and paper files. They will also provide some typing support to the small management team and some limited book keeping support to the finance manager, supporting the finance manager to oversea and audit client accounts. They will be responsible for maintaining co-worker records including supporting co-workers to log training and development. Lastly, they will maintain an organisational diary and monitor direct debit payments.